Happy Birthday!

Two days ago was the celebration of three and a half decade of my existence in this world. You can do the math on your own to figure out how old I am 💗😉. Ever since last year, birthday isn't something really huge to me anymore. It is not because the fact that I am getting older, but it is much because of the comfort level. I think I have become more of an introvert somehow. To me, my birthday celebration with my husband, family and close friends is sufficient enough. I do not expect anyone to remember or wish me. If they forgot, I will tell them. Life is easy, it shouldn't be complicated. Less expectation, because I've learnt the hard way that putting hope or expectation will lead you to frustration.

For me, birthday should reminds us of:-

1. Limited time in life - As you age, it means our time in this world is getting lesser. Every second of everyday we are approaching death whether we want it or not.Have we really prepare for the thereafter? We have so little time. Are we really gonna ignore the fact that this dunya is only a journey and temporary. Have we forgotten our  'real home' There? Are we that ignorant?

2. Being grateful and thankful to Allah - Have ever try imagining that tomorrow morning, when you woke up from your bed, your sight is completely dark, you have become blind. Perhaps when you woke up, and getting out of your comfy bed and suddenly you fall and realize that you are now a paralyzed person. Or maybe suddenly your house roof fell and destroyed, you are left with a house without any roof therefore no protection from rain and sun. Without any notice given, all this favours' could be taken away from you.. For the entire life, we were given all these gift for free, but we never realize and feel content with it because we have it for free. So be thankful to Allah for all the things that you are gifted - your physical, beauty, house, husband, children, parents, good friends, job,money, car, laptop, telephone, good colleague and boss, branded clothes, able to travel, your IQ, your Iman etc.Those are gifts from Allah SWT. Just like in Surah Ar-Rahman, 'Which Favour of your Lord would you deny?' 55:13


Thank you Allah, for everything. Thank you for providing me more time in worshiping You.
I could ask for a longer time of living, but all I ask is the barakah instead.


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