Trust & Loyal

What is important is having TRUST and LOYALTY. The trust of a woman to her man and the loyalty of a man to his woman.

I once got this somewhere in Facebook. Its struck me. You know why? Because I think Trust and Loyalty is the global issue in a relationship that people knew that it is important but they always take it lightly. My friends and the people around me always says, do not put 100% trust to your man or you'll get lesson for life. I do agree. Yes I do. I know people always claim that they (though I want to write it MAN, I have to avoid generalization) are loyal but if they have the chance to do it they will do it secretly. Another issue is, what do you consider as cheating and what is not? How extensive you will go until you call it cheating? Does it same to everyone? I think different people will have different perspective. Some may say flirting in FB and calling pet name as cheating, but some will not. 

I don't know. What I do know, man has issue with loyalty and subsequent to that, woman will have issue in trusting their man. It's another form of abuse. The most damaging aspect of abuse is the trauma to our hearts and souls from being betrayed by the people that we love and trust.


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