My own personal superstitious

Do you people believe in superstitious? Or do u have your own superstitious. I have one. It always give me a conflicting moment. I notice that, whenever I write something in my blog, it will turn out the opposite way. 

For example, once I wrote about a person. I mentioned that how wonderful, amazing this person is..then apparently he is not as what i expected. He hurts someone I care so much.

6 years ago, 1 known a girl which is younger than me, we were close and she is close with my best friend too. We went on a trip, tagged along is his bf..I wrote that in my blog, I hope our friendship will last forever. I still remember that. And noww....hmm.. I guess you know what happened :(

Those are few examples. I wouldn't dare to write anything about my or relationship here in my blog...I'm skeptical about it. I don't wanna ruin everything. 

Perhaps, by writing will turn the other way around..hmm who knows... Superstitious....


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