Ouh today i accidently..opps..not accidently actually i search this person name in facebook. I hardly know this person..well she was, yes.a SHE..she was one of KDo resident back when i was in UKm. I don’t really remember if have ever having a conversation, talked or even say hi when we passed by at the cafe corridor. The only thing i remember about her is that, she smirked at me when she saw me wore a skirt at college.. hurm..what was that all about. Oh ya..so i found her fb..i know she’s actively blogging n i tried to find the address. N found it!.

One thing about this girl..she is living the life i really want..say what ever u want. Yeah envy is the right word!!not jealous..ouch! yeah, yeah! Jealous..if i envy her..i wouldn’t hate her.. but because i hate her..dat means i’m jealous. Do i?err..let me think..now i'm confuse..i should stick to envy don't u think?(now i'm worried she might read this entry...errrr...stop being paranoid pls)

Noo..go away this feeling......!! she’s married now..n pregnant. Congrats! She work as an engineer n has a small business..not going to mentioned what kind of business..it would be too obvious then..n the part that i envy the most is she always has the chance to travel..all around the world..where did she get such a lot of money..jeng3!..no lah..i’m sure she makes lotsa money from her current job..she’s an engineer at a very fofular/outstanding MNC company. N she has a business too..well the point is she has everything i dream of..the kind of life i always wanted. Goshh...I sounded so ungrateful with the life I have now kn? Urm, okay, back to the reality..My feet touching the grass already (..wuu...cold...)

*tp sy selalu ingatkan diri saya, org yg paling hebat sekali dalam dunia ni pun ade kelemahannye, jadi org yg paling bertuah pun ade perkara yg tidak bertuah juga, org yg kita anggap hidup sempurna pun pasti ada kekurangannye. Nothing is perfect.

Maka habis la cerita saya yang merapu2 petang ni...babai..


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