I'm pregnant..

..and I'm not married, so this baby has no father?And nobody want to marry me. I wear my wedding dress with my soccer ball size tummy, but where is the groom?

That was my dream last 2 nights. Honestly, it bothers me. It feels so real. In my dream I cried and the whole family was very supportive, trying to understand my situation he he

Keep thinking about it all the way to work and at work. I told mira when I woke up. Then I told kak Liz and Izan during our lunch. Izan said,

"Dian, selalunya mimpi budak ni bawak maksud baik"


"Tapi dian tak mimpi budak, dian mimpi pregnant.."


"Sama la tu Dian, dekat-dekat lah. Mimpi kan selalunya terbalik"


"Err..ye lah kut..huu"

Kak Liz

"Haa..dalam mimpi tu Dian ada husband tak?"


"Alaaa..takde la K.Liz.." (muka aku kelat) ehe ehe

Kak Liz laughed and Izan grinned. Me?

So while waiting for my 2145 train to Ipoh at KL Sentral, I stopped by at a magazines & books shop at 2nd level of KL Sentral (beside Dunkin Donuts).

I saw this book "Tafsiran Mimpi Mengikut Pendapat Ulama' "

I flipped trough the contents and saw..Mimpi melahirkan anak, mengandung dan..I can't remember because as soon as I saw the word mengandung I got excited

"Mimpi mengandung bermaksud akan mendapat peningkatan dan penambahan harta, wang dan kekekayan..bla bla bla ..."(dah tak ingat dah)

I texted Izan,

Izan, dian g kedai buku kat 2nd floor dian baca buku tafsiran mimpi para ulama'. Dia kata, kalo mimpi mengandung tu maksudnye akan mendapat peningkatan dan penambahan harta.

She replied

Ha kn btl izan ckp,hehe increment byk ar ne dpt. hehe,xthn 2 smpt tgk lg hehe

I replied

bla bla bla bla...

In my heart..Semoga masin la mulut Izan..ha ha ha..whatever it is..It's just a dream..Mimpi mainan tido kan..tapi kalau betul rezeki. Alhamdulillah le..Amin......


pizli.mw said…
Hahahahaha, bestnya mimpi kau..
Nini Yusoff said…
ha ha..pizli..aku wonder..kalo lelaki plak..camne nk mimpi pregnant e..melahirkan anak..susah ar camni..hahahaha
pizli.mw said…
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pizli.mw said…
Mimpi wife lahirkan anakla.. sama jugak konsepnya.. Hehehe..
Nini Yusoff said…
wooh..kenapa aku tak terpikir kan..he he he..ok2..
Unknown said…
wooooooooooooo sape tu? laki ko tu?? eheheh
Nini Yusoff said…
ntah...takde laki la...tu yg smpi nangis dlm mimpi tu.waaa
mama_QnR said…
baca tajuk terkujat japs...

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