Everybody is here now!

Look at this picture. Everyone is here now!. My whole family. Abg Ery has returned. It has been two months now since the day my brother and his family return to Malaysia.

He came back on the 31st March 2010. I took day off for that. Everyone did. Except for Kermit.He is another story.He He. It is wonderful to have everyone back here in MALAYSIA (that includes Kermit as well okay)

I can see my mom held her tears when Adia reached her. 3 years, she couldn't be in touch with her beloved grand daughter psychically. Only in the webcam. Adia ran as fast as she can as soon as she saw her nenek. Touching. My brother seems he has loose weight. Urmm..Diet lah tu! I couldn't recognize him at first, but I can see two little girls, familiar faces! Mira was the one who recognize them. I ran to my mom and dad informing them.

My brother said that he and his family was the last group of people who get out from the plane. That gave us some advantage, you know, to "make a scene" there, right in front of the arrival door..ha ha..!

Arisa, we thought that she gonna takes some times to get use of us, but apparently she was okay. Abah can easily cradle her, she willingly jumped to abah's arms. while Adia, she didn't stop smiling. Moreover, my sister handed her a bouquet of lily (I bought it at blooming.com). She just adored the flower very much.

Though Abg Ery and family were extremely tired, the first their destination in Malaysia was not bandar Seri Putra, it was ALAMANDA, Putrajaya (I'm sure they now they already bored with Alamanda, he he). Ni orang kemaruk nak makan KFC punye pasal la ni..HA HA HA...kesian nye...

Last but not least, pic me with my beloved sista!!!


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